hehe actually baru balik dari keje. kuarlepas subuh pukul 10 tu pun aku mesej lovey pukul 9 tanya 'x bgn lg ke??' haha sebab rasanya selama ni aku malas sangat nak pegi buat keje luar tu... emm so konon nak cepat2 pegi & cepat2 balik.. tapi it turn out we arrived at 11++ am & stop keje pukul 5pm ! ok.. dan x sedar waktu berlalu... betapa semangat saya bila dia ada... isk3... gedikss
lepas tu baru rasa LAPAR ! so we headed to Jusco Bukit Raja straight to KFC.. haa
hehe actually baru balik dari keje. kuar
lepas tu baru rasa LAPAR ! so we headed to Jusco Bukit Raja straight to KFC.. haa
tak caye? tgk ni kami makan kfc chicken chop tu..
this is his. budak kfc tu letak cheese tu gara2 lovey add on 2 rice.. lapar, cian dia..
best, layan dgn air twister grape ;) yeah.. x suka air b'gas..
makan, sume ~
lepas makan? haha jalan2 jap pegi tgk HARRY POTTER.. uhh need the books + cd.. kasi la saya...! huu nakkkkkkkkk ~ *sigh.. da abes cite baru nak collect kan?
after that he just sent me home & he safely get to his as well. :)
p/s: i love u. lisa - sis of boss whom hired me for accounts work puji dia sebab stay all day semata2 tunggu saya buat keje. next time i'll go by myself la without my cousin jugak.. it's my job kan? i have the courage, somehow being with u - i feel safe & strong. thank you so much.
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